2017 / Valle Central, Chile
AgroHouse is an architectural exercise that explores a new way to understand domestic “rural” life. There is not a specific site but is located somewhere in the Central Valley of Chile. A region that complicates the notion of rurality is today an intensive agro-region for local and global markets. The relation between local farmers and land has shifted from self and small scale to industrial production. The dispersed rural fabric became patches of urbanization, pieces of the city within the patterns of the countryside.
AgroHouse reimagines new relationships between communities and their territory. This three-story house is a vertical landscape. The first floor is an open plan around a functional core that allows a range of daily life activities as well as livelihood opportunities. The second floor is a closed volume modulated in the base of bin boxes. The third floor brings the farm back while acts as a climate buffer space for plants, vegetables, insects, and rainwater harvesting.